The NGA Group founds company in India –
NGA Plastic Technology Private Limited in Chennai

- Production & sales of extrusion machines of the brand COLLIN Asia
- Easy to handle test as well as R&D lines in laboratory scale for the processing of polymers
“India is the fastest growing market for the polymer industry, especially for the topics masterbatch, compounding and blown and cast film production. It is a fact that local plastic processing companies upgrade their production infrastructures with technologies, which correspond to global standards “, explain DI Dr. Friedrich Kastner and Corné Verstraten, the majority shareholders of the NGA Group.
Latest technology for the processing of polymers, for apprenticeship, R&D
The NGA Group, always on the pulse of the time, recognized the great market potential as well as the need of the Indian industry of latest leading-edge technology at affordable prices – and has founded NGA Plastic Technology Private Limited.
NGA GmbH holds 70 %, Techscience Service Pvt Ltd 30 %
The Austrian NGA GmbH holds 70 % of the Indian company, 30 % are held by Techscience Service Pvt Ltd, an Indian company, which, as distributor, has been working together with COLLIN Lab & Pilot Solutions GmbH for more than 30 years.
Main target of the new company is to provide growing markets with easy-to-handle test and R&D lines in laboratory scale – based on the well-tried COLLIN technology, manufactured in India under the brand name “COLLIN Asia”.
Product portfolio – table-top machines from presses via extruders to pressure filter tests
The first series of machines will be introduced under the sub-brand EASY LINE.
EASY LINE table-top machines are designed for the processing of polymers, for apprenticeship, research and development and include presses, extruders, compounders, blown as well as flat film lines, roll mills and pressure filter tests.
Plug & Play –
Quick & EASYThe first series of machinery is introduced under the sub-brand EASY LINE >>>

EASY LINE advantages
EASY LINE machines are all adapted to each other
Retrofitting or extension can be realized quickly
Screening of materials requires less efforts & material
Quick starting processes
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