Company groupNGA Next Generation Analytics, COLLIN Lab & Pilot Solutions, BritAS Recycling-Anlagen, COMELT Collin Melt Solutions, NGA Austria, NGA USA, NGA Singapore, NGA India

NGA Plastic Technology is founded as a 70% daughter company of the NGA GROUP with headquarter in Austria, 30% is held by Techscience Services PVT LTD headquarter in Chennai. Main goal is to supply new growing markets with easy to handle lab scale testing and R&D lines – based on proven COLLIN technology, manufactured in India under the Brand “COLLIN Asia”. Organization chart NGA Group
Product portfolio – table-top machines from presses via extruders to pressure filter tests
The first series of machines will be introduced under the sub-brand EASY LINE. EASY LINE table-top machines are designed for the processing of polymers, for apprenticeship, research and development and include presses, extruders, compounders, blown as well as flat film lines, roll mills and pressure filter tests.